Spirit Gym with Paul Chek

EP 261 — Paul Levy: Undreaming Wetiko

Paul Chek Episode 261

In Paul’s previous conversation with author and wounded healer, Paul Levy described the devastating effects of Wetiko, a virus of the mind.

Paul Levy returns to Living 4D to share his latest book, Undreaming Wetiko: Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus, and how we can overcome the mind-virus in this creative Living 4D conversation.

Learn more about Paul’s work at his Awaken in the Dream website and on Facebook.


  • “The Shaman is the creative artist, storyteller and dreamer.” (7:51)
  • For Shamans, Wetiko — a virus of the mind — is the topic of all topics. (12:39)
  • How people become entrenched in misinformed viewpoints unconsciously. (23:34)
  • The muscle of realization. (29:40)
  • What would happen if Wetiko didn’t exist? (34:49)
  • “No one in their right mind would ever choose to a be a Shaman.” (41:21)
  • Some Jungian groups believe Paul is bipolar and his work is inflated. (50:43)
  • What forms our egos? (1:05:37)
  • Paul gets downloads from his unconscious higher self to write his books. (1:20:40)
  • Defining the mind-virus. (1:33:13)
  • “What’s happening in our world is a battle for the human soul.” (1:53:02)
  • A totalitarian psychosis. (2:02:28)
  • You ARE creative. (2:18:03)
  • Are you unwittingly drowning in your own pessimism and despair? (2:32:20)
  • Practicing creativity naturally reinforces healthy consciousness. (2:46:39)


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